正文 6

Not that they durst without his leave attempt,

But us he sends upon his high behests

For state, as Sovran King, and to enure

Our prompt obedience. Fast we found, fast shut [ 240 ]

The dismal Gates, and barricadod strong;

But long ere our approag heard within

her then the sound of Dance or Song,

Torment, and loud lament, and furie.

Glad we returnd up to the coasts of Light [ 245 ]

Ere Sabbath Eevning: so we had in charge.

But thy relation now; for I attend,

Pleasd with thy words hen thou with mine.

So spake the Godlike Power, and thus our Sire.

For Man to tell how human Life began [ 250 ]

Is hard; for who himself beginning knew?

Desire with thee still loo verse

Inducd me. As new wakt from sou sleep

Soft on the flourie herb I found me laid

In Balmie Sweat, which with his Beames the Sun [ 255 ]

Soon drid, and on the reaking moisture fed.

Strait toward Heavn my w Eyes I turnd,

And gazd a while the ample Skie, till raisd

By quistinctive motion up I sprung,





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