正文 2

So spake our Sire, and by his tnance seemd

Entring on studious thoughts abstruse, which Eve [ 40 ]

Perceaving where she sat retird in sight,

With lowliness Majesti her seat,

And Grace that won who saw to wish her stay,

Rose, a forth among her Fruits and Flours,

To visit how they prosperd, bud and bloom, [ 45 ]

Her Nurserie; they at her ing sprung

And toucht by her fair tendance gladlier grew.

Yet went she not, as not with such discourse

Delighted, or not capable her eare

Of what was high: such pleasure she reservd, [ 50 ]

Adam relating, she sole Auditress;

Her Husband the Relater she preferrd

Before the Angel, and of him to ask

Chose rather: hee, she knew would intermix

Grateful digressions, and solve high dispute [ 55 ]

With jugal Caresses, from his Lip

Not Words alone pleasd her. O whe now

Such pairs, in Love and mutual Honour joynd?

With Goddess-like demeanour forth she went;

Not unattended, for on her as Queen [ 60 ]

A pomp of winning Graces waited ……(内容加载失败!)




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