正文 Romance Sonambulo


Green, how I want you green.

Green wind. Green branches.

The ship out on the sea

and the horse on the mountain.

With the shade around her waist

she dreams on her baly,

green flesh, her hair green,

with eyes of cold silver.

Green, how I want you green.

Uhe gypsy moon,

all things are watg her

and she ot see them.

Green, how I want you green.

Big hoarfrost stars

e with the fish of shadow

that opens the road of dawn.

The fig tree rubs its wind

with the sandpaper of its branches,

and the forest, ing cat,

bristles its brittle fibers.

But who will e? And from where?

She is still on her baly

green flesh, her hair green,

dreaming iter sea.

--My friend, I want to trade

my horse for her house,

my saddle for her mirror,

my knife for her bla.

My friend, I e bleeding

from the gates of Cabra.

--If it were possible, my boy,

Id help you fix that trade.

But now I am not I,

nor is my house now my house.

--My friend, I want to die

detly in my bed.

Of iron, if tha……(内容加载失败!)




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Romance Sonámbulo目录+书签Saturday Paseo: Adelina