正文 Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías

Lament fnacio Sánchez Mejías

1. Cogida ah

At five iernoon.

It was exactly five iernoon.

A bht the white sheet

at five iernoon.

A frail of lime ready prepared

at five iernoon.

The rest was death, ah alone.

The wind carried away the cottonwool

at five iernoon.

And the oxide scattered crystal and nickel

at five iernoon.

Now the dove and the leopard wrestle

at five iernoon.

And a thigh with a desolated horn

at five iernoon.

The bass-string struck up

at five iernoon.

Arsenic bells and smoke

at five iernoon.

Groups of silen the ers

at five iernoon.

And the bull aloh a high heart!

At five iernoon.

When the sweat of snow was ing

at five iernoon,

when the bull ring was covered with iodine

at five iernoon.

Death laid eggs in the wound

at five iernoon.

At five iernoon.

At five oclo the afternoon.

A coffin on wheels is his bed

at five iernoon.

Bones and flutes resound in his ears

at five iernoon.

Now the bull was bellowing through his forehead

at five iernoon.





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