正文 City That Does Not Sleep

City That Does Not Sleep

In the sky there is nobody asleep. Nobody, nobody.

Nobody is asleep.

The creatures of the moon sniff and prowl about their s.

The living iguanas will e and bite the men who do not dream,

and the man who rushes out with his spirit broken will meet on the

street er

the unbelievable alligator quiet beh the tender protest of the


Nobody is asleep oh. Nobody, nobody.

Nobody is asleep.

In a graveyard far off there is a corpse

who has moaned for three years

because of a dry tryside on his knee;

and that boy they buried this m cried so much

it was necessary to call out the dogs to keep him quiet.

Life is not a dream. Careful! Careful! Careful!

We fall dowairs in order to eat the moist earth

or we climb to the knife edge of the snow with the voices of the dead


But fetfulness does , dreams do ;

flesh exists. Kisses tie our mouths

in a thicket of new veins,

and whoever his pain pains will feel that pain forever

and whoever i……(内容加载失败!)




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Before the Dawn目录+书签Ditty of First Desire