正文 Arbolé, Arbolé . . .

Arbolé, Arbolé . . .

English Translation

Tree, tree

dry and green.

The girl with the pretty face

is out pig olives.

The wind, playboy of towers,

grabs her around the waist.

Four riders passed by

on Andalusian ponies,

with blue and green jackets

and big, dark capes.

"e to Cordoba, muchacha."

The girl wont listen to them.

Three young bullfighters passed,

slender in the waist,

with jackets the color es

and swords of a silver.

"e to Sevilla, muchacha."

The girl wont listen to them.

Wheernoon had turned

dark brown, with scattered light,

a young man passed by, wearing

roses and myrtle of the moon.

"e to Granada, inuchacha."

And the girl wont listen to him.

The girl with the pretty face

keeps on pig olives

with the grey arm of the wind

ed around her waist.

Tree, tree

dry and green.

Translated by William Logan

inal Spanish

Arbolé, arbolé,

seco y verdí.

La ni?a del bello rostro

está cogiendo aceituna.

El viento, galáorres,

la prende por la tura.

Pasaron c……(内容加载失败!)




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