正文 Cultural Exchange

Cultural Exge

In the Quarter of the Negroes

Where the doors are doors of paper

Dust of dingy atoms

Blows a scratchy sound.

Amorphous jack-o-Lanterns caper

And the wind wont wait for midnight

For fun to blow doors down.

By the river and the railroad

With fluid far-off goind

Boundaries bind unbinding

A whirl of whisteles blowing.

No trains or steamboats going--

Yet Leontynes unpag.

In the Quarter of the Negroes

Where the doorknob lets in Lieder

More than German ever bore,

Her yesterday past grandpa--

Not of her own doing--

In a pot of creens

Is gently stewing.

Pushcarts fold and unfold

In a supermarket sea.

Ater find out, mama,

Where is the colored laundromat

Since we move dup to Mount Vernon.

I begind the paper doors

on the old iron stove whats cooking?

Whats smelling, Leontyne?

Lieder, lovely Lieder

And a leaf of creen.

Lovely Lieder, Leontyne.

You knht at Christmas

They asked me if my blaess,

Would it rub off?

I said, Ask your mama.

Dreams and nightmar……(内容加载失败!)




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Cross目录+书签Sitting on their wide verandas,