正文 20

So saying, from the Tree her step she turnd,

But first low Reverence don, as to the power [ 835 ]

That dwelt within, whose presence had infusd

Into the plant stial sap, derivd

From ar, drink of Gods. Adam the while

Waiting desirous her return, had wove

Of choicest Flours a Garland to adorne [ 840 ]

Her Tresses, and her rural labours ,

As Reapers oft are wont thir Harvest Queen.

Great joy he promisd to his thoughts, and new

Sola her return, so long delayd;

Yet oft his heart, divine of somthing ill, [ 845 ]

Misgave him; hee the faultring measure felt;

And forth to meet her went, the way she took

That Morn when first they parted; by the Tree

Of Knowledge he must pass, there he her met,

Scarse from the Tree returning; in her hand [ 850 ]

A bough of fairest fruit that downie smild,

New gatherd, and ambrosial smell diffusd.

To him she hasted, in her face excuse

Came Prologue, and Apologie to prompt,

Which with bland words at will she thus addrest. [ 855 ]





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