正文 19

Greedily she ingd without restraint,

And knew ih: Satiate at length,

And hightnd as with Wine, jod and boon,

Thus to her self she pleasingly began.

O Sovrauous, precious of all Trees [ 795 ]

In Paradise, of operatio

To Sapience, hitherto obscurd, infamd,

And thy fair Fruit let hang, as to no end

Created; but heh my early care,

Not without Song, each M, and due praise [ 800 ]

Shall tend thee, and the fertil burden ease

Of thy full branches offerd free to all;

Till dieted by thee I grow mature

In knowledge, as the Gods who all things know;

Though others envie what they ot give; [ 805 ]

For had the gift bin theirs, it had not here

Thus grown. Experienext to thee I owe,

Best guide; not following thee, I had remaind

In ignorahou opnst Wisdoms way,

And givst access, though secret she retire. [ 810 ]

And I perhaps am secret; Heavn is high,

High ae to see from thence distinct

Each thing oh; and other care perhaps

May have diverted from tinual watch

reat Forbidd……(内容加载失败!)




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