正文 9

Firm we subsist, yet possible to swerve,

Since Reason not impossibly may meet [ 360 ]

Some specious object by the Foe subornd,

And fall into deception unaware,

Not keeping strictest watch, as she was warnd.

Seek not temptation then, which to avoide

Were better, and most likelie if from mee [ 365 ]

Thou sever not: Trial will e unsought.

Wouldst thou approve thy stancie, approve

First thy obedieh other who know,

Not seeing thee attempted, who attest?

But if thou think, trial unsought may finde [ 370 ]

Us both securer then thus warnd thou seemst,

Go; for thy stay, not free, absents thee more;

Go in thy native innoce, relie

On what thou hast of vertue, summon all,

Fod towards thee hath done his part, do thine. [ 375 ]

So spake the Patriarankinde, but Eve

Persisted, yet submiss, though last, replid.

With thy permission then, and thus forewarnd

Chiefly by what thy own last reasoning words

Touchd onely, that our trial, whe sought, [ 380 ]

May finde us both pe……(内容加载失败!)




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