正文 We Are Many

We Are Many

Of the many men whom I am, whom we are,

I ot settle on a single one.

They are lost to me uhe cover of clothing

They have departed for another city.

Whehing seems to be set

to show me off as a man of intelligence,

the fool I keep cealed on my person

takes over my talk and occupies my mouth.

On other occasions, I am dozing in the midst

of people of some distin,

and when I summon my ceous self,

a coward pletely unknown to me

swaddles my poor skeleton

in a thousand tiny reservations.

When a stately home bursts into flames,

instead of the fireman I summon,

an arsonist bursts on the se,

and he is I. There is nothing I do.

What must I do to distinguish myself?

How I put myself together?

All the books I read

lionize dazzling hero figures,

brimming with self-assurance.

I die with envy of them;

and, in films where bullets fly on the wind,

I am left in envy of the cowboys,

left admiring even the horses.

But when I call upon my DASHING BEING,

out es t……(内容加载失败!)




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