正文 Ode to Maize

Ode to Maize

America, from a grain

of maize you grew


with spacious lands

the o foam.

A grain of maize was yeography.

From the grain

a green lance rose,

was covered with gold,

to grace the heights

of Peru with its yellow tassels.

But, poet, let

history rest in its shroud;

praise with your lyre

the grain in its granaries:

sing to the simple maize i.

First, a fine beard

fluttered in the field

above the teeeth

of the young ear.

Then the husks parted

and fruitfulness burst its veils

of pale papyrus

that grains of laughter

might fall upon the earth.

To the stone,

in your journey,

you returned.

Not to the terrible stone,

the bloody

triangle of Mexi death,

but to the grinding stone,


stone of your kits.

There, milk and matter,

strength-giving, nutritious

eal pulp,

you were worked and patted

by the wondrous hands

of dark-skinned women.

Wherever you fall, maize,

whether into the

splendid pot of partridge, or among

try beans, you light up

the meal and len……(内容加载失败!)




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