

Arthur Brisbane写十条指南,指引在职新闻记者《怎一名更色的记者》(How to Be a Better Reporter)。指南一条求记者清楚,写简明(see a thing clearly and describe it simply)。二条求记者记请不公司律师买一份报纸的众:报人忠於贫穷读者,律师忠於富裕顾客,有些报老闆忘了一点,一富有就忘了贫穷的滋味(Keep in mind the great crowd that ot afford to hire a corporation lawyer, but afford a three-t neer. Every neer mao his poorest reader the loyalty that a great lawyer owes to his richest t. Some neer owners fet that, especially after they bee rich, and no longer remember how it feels to be poor).三条提醒记者写稿让读者读历历亲眼目睹(Write so that the reader will say, "I feel as though I had actually SEEN what the neer describes")。四条说採访不忘拍照;一张照片胜写一千字,况且是影象的代(Iing, don''t fet t back PICTURES. One good picture tells more than a thousand words, and this is the picture age)。五条……(内容加载失败!)




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