正文 To Flush, My Dog

To Flush, My Dog

Loving friend, the gift of one

Who her own true faith has run

Through thy lower nature,

Be my beion said

With my hand upon thy head,

Gentle fellow-creature!

Like a ladys ris brown,

Flow thy silken ears adown

Either side demurely

Of thy silver-suited breast

Shining out from all the rest

Of thy body purely.

Darkly brown thy body is,

Till the sunshiriking this

Alchemise its dullness,

When the sleek curls manifold

Flash all over into gold

With a burnished fulness.

Underh my stroking hand,

Startled eyes of hazel bland

Kindling, growing larger,

Up thou leapest with a spring,

Full of prank and curveting,

Leaping like a charger.

Leap! thy broad tail waves a light,

Leap! thy slender feet are bright,

opied in fringes;

Leap! those tasselled ears of thine

Flicker strangely, fair and fine

Down their golden inches

Yet, my pretty, sportive friend,

Little ist to su end

That I praise thy rareness;

s may be thy peers

Haply in these drooping ears

And this……(内容加载失败!)




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