正文 Rosalinds Scroll

Rosalinds Scroll

I LEFT thee last, a child at heart,

A woman scar years:

I e to thee, a solemn corpse

Whieither feels nor fears.

I have no breath to use in sighs;

They laid the dead-weights on mine eyes

To seal them safe from tears.

Look oh thine own calm look:

I meet it calm as thou.

No look of thine ge this smile,

Or break thy sinful vow:

I tell thee that my poor sd heart

Is of thih--thih--a part:

It ot vex thee now.

I have prayd for thee with bursting sob

When passions course was free;

I have prayd for thee with silent lips

In the anguish none could see;

They whisperd oft, She sleepeth soft--

But I only prayd for thee.

Go to! I pray for thee no more:

The corpses tongue is still;

Its folded fingers point to heaven,

But point there stiff and chill:

No farther wrong, no farther woe

Hath lice from the sin below

Its tranquil heart to thrill.

I charge thee, by the livings prayer,

And the deads silentness,

T from out thy soul a cry

Which God shall hear and……(内容加载失败!)




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Prisoner, The目录+书签Runaway Slave at Pilgrims Point, The