正文 Perplexed Music

Perplexed Music

EXPERIENCE, like a pale musi, holds

A dulcimer of patien his hand,

Whence harmonies, we ot uand,

Of God; will in his worlds, the strain unfolds

In sad-perplexed minors: deathly colds

Fall on us while we hear, and termand

Our sangui back from the fand

With nightingales in visionary wolds.

We murmur Where is aain tune

Or measured musi suotes as these ?

But angels, leaning from the golde,

Are not so miheir fine ear hath won

The issue of pleted ces,

And, smiling dowars, they whisper--


Elizabeth Barrett Browning




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Patience Taught By Nature目录+书签Poet And The Bird, The