正文 Chorus of Eden Spirits

Chorus of Eden Spirits

HEARKEN, oh hearke your souls behind you

Turly moved!

Our voices feel along the Dread to find you,

O lost, beloved!

Through the thick-shielded and strong-marshalled angels,

They press and pierce:

Our requiems follow fast on our evangels,—

Voice throbs in verse.

We are but orphaned spirits left in Eden

A time ago:

God gave us golden cups, and we were bidden

To feed you so.

But now ht hand hath no cup remaining,

No work to do,

The mystic hydromel is spilt, and staining

The whole earth through.

Most ineradicable stains, for showing

(Not interfused!)

That brighter colours were the world’s foing,

Than shall be used.

Hearken, oh hearken! ye shall hearken surely

For years and years,

The noise beside you, dripping coldly, purely,

Of spirits’ tears.

The yearning to a beautiful denied you,

Shall strain your powers.

Ideal sweetnesses shall lide you,

Resumed from ours.

In all your music, our pathetior

Your ears shall cross;

And all good gi……(内容加载失败!)




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