正文 Bianca Among The Nightingales

Bianca Among The Nightingales

The cypress stood up like a church

That night we felt our love would hold,

And saintly moonlight seemed to search

And wash the whole world as gold;

The olives crystallized the vales

Broad slopes until the hills grew strong:

The fireflies and the nightingales

Throbbed each to either, flame and song.

The nightihe nightingales.

Upon the angle of its shade

The cypress stood, self-balanced high;

Half up, half down, as double-made,

Along the ground, against the sky.

Aoo! from such soul-height went

Such leaps of blood, so blindly driven,

We scarew if our nature meant

Most passionate earth or intense heaven.

The nightihe nightingales.

We paled with love, we shook with love,

We kissed so close we could not vow;

Till Giulio whispered, Sweet, above

Gods Ever guarahis Now.

And through his words the nightingales

Drove straight and full their long clear call,

Like arrows through heroic mails,

And love was awful in it all.

The nightihe n……(内容加载失败!)




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