正文 第25节

I had a strange week. A couple of weeks ago, I met him at his house. I liked him a lot then. Last Tuesday, I saw him for the TaiJi practice. I felt a lot for him then. He drove me home. We talked. Then I couldn’t get him out of my mind. So I went ahead emailing him asking him out. We went out yesterday, and it’s not a fairy tale being true. He came by, middle aged, balding, short…

I was instantly turned off and remembered telling myself there is no way he is to be my boyfriend. Then we went to a sandwich shop where we talked slowly, I remembered why I liked him in the first place. He’s very easy to talk to ao figure a lot of things out.

But I still felt weird going out with him since he’s too old. The oldest I have ever been out with. He was being a gentleman the whole time. He was very easy to hang out and he wasn’t trying to make a pass on me. I watched him wash his truck, then we went to see a movie and afterward dinner. By the diime, I felt th……(内容加载失败!)




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