正文 12

Better end heer unborn. Why is life givn

To be thus wrested from us? rather why

Obtruded on us thus? who if we knew

What we receive, would either not accept [ 505 ]

Life offerd, or sooo lay it down,

Glad to be so dismist in peace. thus

Th Image of God in maed once

So goodly a, though faultie since,

To susightly sufferings be debast [ 510 ]

Under inhuman pains? Why should not Man,

Retaining still Divine similitude

In part, from such deformities be free,

And for his Makers Image sake exempt?

Thir Makers Image, answerd Michael, then [ 515 ]

Forsook them, when themselves they villifid

To serve ungovernd appetite, and took

His Image whom they servd, a brutish vice,

Inductive mainly to the sin of Eve.

Therefore so abject is thir punishment, [ 520 ]

Disfiguring not Gods likeness, but thir own,

Or if his likeness, by themselves defact

While they pervert pure Natures healthful rules

To loathsom siess, worthily, sihey

Gods Image did not reveren themselves. [ 525……(内容加载失败!)




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