正文 The Bean-Field

Meanwhile my beans, the length of whose rows, added together,

was seven miles already planted, were impatient to be hoed, for the

earliest had grown siderably before the latest were in the

ground; ihey were not easily to be put off. What was the

meaning of this so steady and self-respeg, this small Herculean

labor, I knew not. I came to love my rows, my beans, though so many

more than I wanted. They attached me to the earth, and so I got

strength like Antaeus. But why should I raise them? Only Heaven

knows. This was my curious labor all summer -- to make this portion

of the earths surface, which had yielded only quefoil,

blackberries, johnswort, and the like, before, sweet wild fruits and

pleasant flowers, produstead this pulse. What shall I learn of

beans or beans of me? I cherish them, I hoe them, early and late I

have ao them; and this is my days work. It is a fine broad

leaf to look on. My auxiliaries are the dews and rains which water





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