正文 Rice Husband

Lena St. Clair

To this day, I believe my mother has the mysterious ability to see things before they happen. She has a ese saying for what she knows. wang chihan: If the lips are gohe teeth will be cold. Which means, I suppose, ohing is always the result of another.

But she does not predict whehquakes will e, or how the stock market will do. She sees only bad things that affect our family. And she knows what causes them. But now she laments that she never did anything to stop them.

Oime when I was growing up in San Francisco, she looked at the way our neartment sat too steeply on the hill. She said the new baby in her womb would fall out dead, and it did.

When a plumbing and bathroom fixtures store opened up across the street from our bank, my mother said the bank would soon have all its money drained away. And one month later, an officer of the bank was arrested for embezzlement.

And just after my father died last year, she said she khis would happen. ……(内容加载失败!)




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