正文 American Translation

"Wah!" cried the mother upon seeing the mirrored armoire in the master suite of her daughters new inium. "You ot put mirrors at the foot of the bed. All your marriage happiness will bounce bad turn the opposite way."

"Well, thats the only place it fits, so thats where it stays," said the daughter, irritated that her mother saw bad omens ihing. She had heard these warnings all her life.

The mother frowned, reag into her twice-used Macys bag. "Hunh, lucky I fix it for you, then." And she pulled out the gilt-edged mirror she had bought at the Price Club last week. It was her housewarming present. She lea against the headboard, on top of the two pillows.

"You hang it here," said the mother, pointing to the wall above. "This mirror sees that mirror—haule!—multiply your peach-blossom luck."

"What is peach-blossom luck?"

The mother smiled, mischief in her eyes. "It is in here," she said, pointing to the mirror. "Look iell me, am I nht? In this mirror is my f……(内容加载失败!)




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