正文 The Red Candle

Lindo Jong

I once sacrificed my life to keep my parents promise. This means nothing to you, because to you promises mean nothing. A daughter promise to e to dinner, but if she has a headache, if she has a traffic jam, if she wants to watch a favorite movie on TV, she no longer has a promise.

I watched this same movie when you did not e. The Ameri soldier promises to e bad marry the girl. She is g with a genuine feeling and he says, "Promise! Promise! Honey-sweetheart, my promise is as good as gold." Then he pushes her onto the bed. But he doesnt e back. His gold is like yours, it is only fourteen carats.

To ese people, fourteen carats isnt real gold. Feel my bracelets. They must be twenty-four carats, pure inside and out.

Its too late to ge you, but Im telling you this because I worry about your baby. I worry that someday she will say, "Thank you, Grandmother, for the gold bracelet. Ill never fet you." But later, she will fet her promise. She will fet ……(内容加载失败!)




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