To the tune of "Basciami vita mia." Sleep, baby mine, Desires nurse, Beauty, sih; Thy cries, O baby, set mine head on ag: The babe cries, "Way, thy love doth keep me waking."

Lully, lully, my babe, Hope cradle brih Unto my children alway good rest taking: The babe cries, "Way, thy love doth keep me waking."

Since, baby mine, from me thy watg sprih, Sleep then a little, pap tent is making; The babe cries, "Nay, for that abide I waking."


The sce of life, ahs extreme disgrace; The smoke of hell, the monster called Pain: Long shamed to be accursed in every place, By them who of his rude resort plain; Like crafty wretch, by time and travel taught, His ugly evil in ood to hide; Late harbours in her face, whom Nature wrought As treasure-house where her best gifts do bide; And so by privilege of sacred seat, A seat where beauty shines and virtue reigns, He hopes for some small praise, since she hath great, Within her beams ing his cruel stains. Ah, saucy Pa……(内容加载失败!)




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