正文 II

I DONT KNOW if law enfort work is more dangerous now than what it used to be or not. I know when I first took office youd have a fistfight somewheres and youd go to break it up and theyd offer to fight you. And sometimes you had to aodate em.

They wouldnt have it no other way. And youd better not lose, her. You dohat so muore, but maybe you see worse. I had a man pull a gun on me oime and it happehat I grabbed it just as he went to fire and the plunger on the hammer went right through the fleshy part of my thumb. You see the mark of it there. But that man had ever iion of killin me. A few years ago and it wasnt that maher I was goin out one of these little two lane blacktop roads of a night and I e up on a pickup truck that they was two old boys settin in the bed of it. They kindly blinked in the lights and I backed off some but the truck had Coahuila plates on it and I thought, well, I o stop these old boys and take a look. So I hit the light……(内容加载失败!)




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