正文 Part Two-1

PERHAPS we should not be sittiending the vats and washing the buildings and carrying the moo the vault once a week, like everybody else. Perhaps we should be doing something else entirely, with our lives. God knows what. We do what we do without thinking. Oends the vats and washes the buildings and carries the moo the vault and ops for a moment to sider that the whole process may be despicable. Someoanding somewhere despising us. I springs of Dax, a gouty thihinking, father five them. It was worse before. That is something that safely be said. It was worse before we found Snow White wandering in the forest. Before we found Snow White wandering in the forest we lived lives stuffed with equanimity. There was equanimity for all. We washed the buildings, tehe vats, wended our way to the ty cathouse once a week (heigh-ho). Like everybody else. We were simple beois. We knew what to do. When we found Snow White wandering in the forest, hungry and distraught, ……(内容加载失败!)




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