正文 Part One-1

SHE is a tall dark beauty taining a great may spots: one above the breast, one above the belly, one above the knee, one above the ankle, one above the buttock, one on the back of the neck. All of these are on the left side, more or less in a row, as you go up and down:







The hair is black as ebony, the skin white as snow.

BILL is tired of Snow White now. But he ot tell her. No, that would not be the way. Bill t bear to be touched. That is oo. To have aouch him is unbearable. Not just Snow White but also Kevin, Edward, Hubert, Henry, Clem or Dan. That is a peculiar aspect of Bill, the leader. We speculate that he doesnt want to be involved in human situations any more. A withdrawal. Withdrawal is one of the four modes of dealing with ay. We speculate that his reluce to be touched springs from that. Dan does not go along with the aheory. Dan does not believe in ay. Dan speculates that Bills reluce to be touched is a physical maion of a metaphysi……(内容加载失败!)




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