正文 19

Nine oclock?

Ten oclock.

I have to have bed check for the men at ten oclock. What about eleven oclock?

I think I make eleven oclock. Let me look in my book.

She looked in her book.

Eleven oclock, then, she said, writing a note in her book. Uhe trees?

Uhe stars, said Thomas.

The trees, said Julie, looks like rain.

If no rain, thears, said Thomas. If rain, therees.

Or the hedge, said Julie. Wet and dripping. Mulchy.

What are ying? asked the Dead Father. Could it be an assignation?

Nothing, said Julie. Nothing you should yourself about, dear old soul.

The Dead Father flang himself to the ground.

But I should have everything! Me! I! Myself! I am the Father! Mine! Always was and always will be! From whom all blessings flow! To whom all blessings flow! Forever and ever and ever and ever! Ameissime Pater!

He is chewing the earth again, Julie observed. One would think he would tire of it.

Thornas began singing, in a good voice.

The Dead Father stopped chewing……(内容加载失败!)




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