正文 17-2


Hey son. Hey boy. Lets you and me go out and throw the ball around. Throw the ball around. You dont want to go out and throw the ball around? How e you dont want to go out and throw the ball around? I know why you dont want to go out and throw the ball around. Its cause you. . . Lets dont discuss it. It dohinkin about. Well lets see, you dont want to go out and throw the ball around, you hep me work oio. You want to hep me work oio? Sure you do. Sure you do. We gonna have us a fine-lookin patio there, boy, whe it fihem folks across the street are just about gonna fall out when they see it. kid, Ill let you hold the level. And this time I want you to hold the fug thing straight. I want you to hold it straight. It aint difficult, any idiot do it. A nigger do it. Were gonna stick it to them mothers across the street, they think theyre so fine. Flee from the wrath to e, boy, thats what I always say. Seen it on a sigime, FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO E. Craz……(内容加载失败!)




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