正文 7

Let him make his speech, Julie said.

Yesterday you said no.

I was in a fouler mood yesterday. Today I am in a fairer mood.

Thats iing, Thomas said. How do you do that?

I ignore sea, she said, let him make his speech.

Thomas turo the Dead Father.

Would you like to make your speeow?

I have prepared some remarks, said the Dead Father. Remarks which are perhaps not without pertinency.

Thomas gathered together the men and Emma.

The men stood in a ragged half circle. The een. Edmund with his hand on his back pocket, where the flask was. Emma at oip of the crest, Julie at the other.

The Dead Father stepped forward and assumed his speaking position, a kind of forwardly lean.

All the men lighted cigarettes. Julie lighted a cigarette as did Emma.

The Dead Father placed the tips of the fingers of his two hands together.

In sidering, he said, insidering insidering insidering the additionally arriving human beings annually additionally arriving human beings each pro……(内容加载失败!)




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