正文 Robert Kennedy Saved from Drowning

K. at His Desk

He is her abrupt with nor excessively kind to associates. Or he is both abrupt and kind.

The telephone is, for him, a whip, a lash, but also a duit for soothing words, a sink into which he hurl gallons of syrup if it es to that.

He reads quickly, scratg brief ents ("Yes," "No") in ers of the paper. He slouches in the leather chair, looking about him with a slightly irritated air for new visitors, new difficul?ties. He spends his time sending and receiving messengers.

"I spend my time sending and receiving messen?gers," he says. "Some of these messages are im?portant. Others are not."

Described by Secretaries

A: "Quite frankly I think he fets a lot of things. But the things he fets are those which are iial. I even think he might fet delib?erately, to leave his mind free. He has the ability to get rid of unimportaails. And he does."

B: "Once when I was sick, I hadnt heard from him, and I thought he had fotten me. You know usually your boss……(内容加载失败!)




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