正文 The Balloon

The balloon, beginning at a point on Fourteenth Street, the exact location of which I ot reveal, expanded northward all one night, while people were sleeping, until it reached the Park. There, I stopped it; at dawn the northernmost edges lay over the Plaza; the free-hanging motion was frivo?lous ale. But experieng a faint irritation at stopping, even to protect the trees, and seeing no reason the balloon should not be allowed to expand upward, over the parts of the city it was already c, into the "air space" to be found there, I asked the engio see to it. This expan?sion took place throughout the m, soft imperceptible sighing of gas through the valves. The balloon then covered forty-five bloorth-south and an irregular area east-west, as many as six crosstown blocks oher side of the Avenue in some places. That was the situation, then.

But it is wrong to speak of "situations," implyis of circumstances leading to some resolution, some escape of tension; th……(内容加载失败!)




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