正文 15

HE lost nine pounds (a great blessing) dur?ing the eight months they lived in the apartment. They had not been slow to criticize his toes, teeth, belly, hair, or politics. "It seems to me," Veronica had said one day, "that you have no social responsibility." "My first social responsibility," he had said, "is that the building doesnt collapse." "Right right right," she said, "but you are after all a creature of the power structure. You work for the power structure." This was true enough, revolutionaries didnt build buildings, needed only clos?ets to oil their Uzis in, no work for architects there. Oher hand Veronid the others derived their own politics from a K-Mart of sources, Thomas Aquinas marg shoulder-to-shoulder with Simone de Beauvoir and the weatherbeaten troopers of Sixty Mihey were ofte and right during the same versation, sometimes the same sentence.

His headaches had gone away but had been replaced by early-m vomiting. A few ounces of yellow ……(内容加载失败!)




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