正文 6

SUNDAY m. Simon listening to one of his radios.

"Jesus is a ro a weary land," says the radio. The preacher is black, with a deep sonorous voice.

"I wrote a little song that says, dont wait till the battle is over, you shout now. Cause you know that in the end, you gonna be victorious. That dont mean you aint gonna cry. That dont mean you aint gonna feel pain. But in the end, you will prevail, in His name. Lift your fa, a Him lead the way. Re?joice. Its all right. Rejoice. Its all right. Rejoice. Its allllllright. Despite what may be going on around you, you , you find perfect peace. How much, ?tinuously, do we love Him."

Simon thinks about a day many years before when his wife was taking the baby to the park. "Goodbye, you dirty rat," his wife said. The baby was wearing a blue parka and a brown knitted watch cap. "Goodbye, you dirty rat," the baby said.

When Sarah was borood in the delivery room wearing green paper pants, a green paper shirt, paper ba……(内容加载失败!)




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