正文 Belief

A group of senior citizens on a ben Washington Square Park in New York City. There were two female senior citizens and two male senior citizens.

"Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit," one of the women said suddenly. She turned her head to each of the four ers of an imaginary room as she did so.

The other senior citizens stared at her.

"Why did you do that?" one of the men asked.

"Its the first of the month. If you say rabbit four times, oo each er of the room, or the space that you are in, on the first of the month before you eat lunch, then you will be loved in that month."

Some angry black people walked by carrying steel-band instruments and bunches of flowers.

"I dont think thats true," the sed woman senior citizen said. "I never heard it before and Ive heard everything."

"I think its probably just an old wives tale," one of the men said. The other male senior citizen cracked up.

"Shall we discuss old men?" the first woman asked the sed woman.

The two men……(内容加载失败!)




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