正文 Cortés and Montezuma

Because Cortés lands on a day specified in the a writings, because he is dressed in black, because his armor is silver in color, a certain ugliness of the straaken as a group -- for these reasons, Montezuma siders Cortés to be Quetzalcoatl, the great god who left Mexiany years before, on a raft of snakes, vowing to return.

Montezuma gives Cortés a carved jade drinking cup.

Cortés places around Montezumas neck a necklace of glass beads strung on a cord sted with musk.

Montezuma offers Cortés ahenlatter taining small pieeat lightly breaded and browned which Cortés dees because he knows the small pieeat are human fingers.

Cortés sends Montezuma a huge basket of that Spanish bread of which Montezumas messengers had said, on first entering the Spaniards, "As to their food, it is like human food, it is white and not heavy, and slightly sweet. . ."

Cortés and Montezuma are walking, down by the docks. Little green flies fill the air. Cortés and Montezu……(内容加载失败!)




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