正文 The Crisis

-- On the dedication page of the rebellion, we see the words "To Clementine." A fiiment, miscellaneous an musiext, and, turning several pages, massed e flags at the head of the n. This will not be easy, but her will it be hard. Good will is everywhere, and the lighthearted song of the gondoliers is heard in the distance.

-- Yes, success is everything. Morally important as well as useful in a practical way.

-- What have the rebels captured thus far? One zoo, not our best zoo, and a cemetery. The rebels have ehe cages of the tamer animals and are playing with them, gently.

-- Things get better, and in my opinion will.

-- Their Graves Registration procedures are scrupulous -- accurate and fair.

-- Theres more to it than playing guitars and clapping along. Although that frequently gets people in the mood.

-- Their methods are direot subtle. Dissolution, leag, sandblasting, crag aing of fireproof doors, nation, water damage, slide presentations, clamps and ……(内容加载失败!)




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