正文 Chapter 36

The west entrance of Kowloon Park is located at the teeming end of Nathan Road, a seemingly never-ending strip of hotels, mid-range fashion stores, restaurants, cafes, bars, jewelry stores aronics shops selling Japanese and ese imports at grossly inflated prices. Despite the long tradition of bargaining in many of the neon-bathed retail establishments lining the pavements, it was a rare punter indeed who came away with a real bargain. However, prices were cheaper than anywhere in the Western world so every gadget or item bought on Nathan Road was still sidered a bargain by a mostly tourist tele.

The atmosphere at this end of Nathan Road is distinctly touristy, traced with hints of illegal immigration, visitors from less affluent tries in Asia and Africa who have out-stayed their three-month visas. There’s a strong Muslim element on Nathan Road, especially at prayer time when a sizeable k of Hong Kong’s Muslim residents and tourists head towards the wh……(内容加载失败!)




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