正文 Chapter 15

The limousine was state-of-the-art, a power ride paid for by one of the Union’s tless megacorps over bureaucracies. Plush leather seats ran for about half of its siderable length. There were other seats adjat and to the rear of the vehicle. The lighting was blue halogen from an ornate flat delier in the car’s roof, punctuated by the glow of a dozen puter and television ss and filtered daylight from outside. Below the ss a row of soles of various shapes and sizes. Caldwell was familiar with none of them. They looked like Japanese and ese decks.

What the hell did these people want with him? Through the huge tinted windows of the electric he saw the gray Dods streets gliding by silently. Caldwell felt his fingers clutch the knapsack, holding the sole tightly to his tense body. Si had arrived in the post, his whole life had been turned upside down. First, there was Kenzo Yamamoto’s avatar that had vanished into thin air, then the message from Glyph, who……(内容加载失败!)




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