正文 Chapter 3

Caldwell torted his ag body in the capsule’s fined spad switched on the louvered halogen light. He reached out and picked up the Slav’s mysterious vial. For a moment, he watched the visass of the transparent liquid swirl within. The Slav had promised that it would do the job ihan a miopping the activity of all the vital ans with the speed and precision of a bullet to the head.

“The problem with the human body,” the Slav had said as he fumbled around in his makeshift workshop in a disused viadu the inner city ghetto of Oval, “is that it is not desigo coexist with maes. The relationship is not symbiotid sooner or later they, the maes, will fuck you up. It’s just a question of time.” There was enough tobaoke iale air of the Slav’s makeshift workshop to stop a bull in its tracks.

The Slav’s teeth were an obse assortment of tobacco-stained enamel jutting like stalactites and stalagmites out of his gray gums. There was a thin border of pink gum b the……(内容加载失败!)




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