
All Le Corbusier drawings and photographs on the following pages are ©FLC/ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2006. pp.9, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60-61, 63r, 64, 66, 165, 240, 242, 243, 244

p.9 ©FLC; p.14 ©Digital Image Mies van der Rohe/Gift of the Arch./MOMA/Scala ©DACS, London 2006; p.19 Balthazar Korab; p.21 Bayerisches Haupstaatsarchiv; p.23 Nigel Young/Foster and Partners; p.24 BPK, Berlin: p.27 courtesy of Bernhard Leitner from ''The Wittgenstein House'' by Bernhard Leitner, Prion Architectural Press, 2000; pp.30-31 Philippa Lewis/Edifice; p.32l A.F. Kersting; p.32r Gillian Darley/Edifice; p.33l A.F. Kersting; p.33r © Cht/NMR; pp.35,36 A.F. Kersting; p.37 ©.visitrid.co.uk; p.38 A.F. Kersting; pp.40-41 Stapleton Colle; p.43t © Cht/NMR; p.44 Irish Architectural Archive; p.45 ©NTPL/Matthew Antrobus; pp.48-9 Institute of Civil Engineers; p.50 Cameraphoto Arte, Venice; pp.52-3 Fot; p.54 A.F. Kersting; p.59 ©FLC; pp.60-61, 63r ©FLC; p.63l Alaiton; p.64 Da……(内容加载失败!)




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