正文 On Part-time Jobs

On Part-time Jobs

by Haruki Murakami

Translated by Christopher Allison

When I was a student, which was more than ten years ago now, the average hourly wage for part-time work was about the same as a cup of coffee in an average coffee shop. To make it plain, at the end of the 1960s it was about 150 yen. “Hi-Lite” cost 80 yen, and ic books were about 100 yen. Since I just bought records with the money I made w, I could buy one record for every day-and-a-half of labor.

Now, pared to a 300 yen cup of coffee, the standard wage for part time work is 500 yen. It looks as though the market price has ged a little. You buy two records with one days labor.

If you just look at the numbers, it seems like our standard of living has gotteer in those ten years. From a lifestyle point-of-view, though, I dont think things have really improved. In the old days, housewives didnt have to take part time jobs, and there was no loan-repayment hell.

Numbers are really plicat……(内容加载失败!)




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