正文 No Bringing in a Japanese Lunch with a Pickled Plu

The 1992 Boston Marathon was held on April 22nd, "Patriots Day" (a holiday in Maine and Massachusetts.) I joihis marathon last year as well as this year. The Boston Marathon in spring and the New York City Marathon in fall, these two races are the greatest pleasures in my life in the U.S. Some of you might have watched these races, often broadcast on TV in Japan, too. Similar to the New York City Marathon, the Boston Maratho have a "go aurn" course with a turning point, but it has just a "one way" course from one place to ahe starting point is a small town in the suburbs of Boston, Hopkinton, and the finish is in the ter of Boston. When you feel that the goal is approag after about a 30- kilometer run, you have to tackle with the famous "Heart Break Hill" in Boston which is ing into sight. This naming of the hill might sound a bit exaggerated, but youll notice what a tough hill it is after actually running it yourself. Running up the hill is not so hard……(内容加载失败!)




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