正文 Princeton - Introduction -

It was in the summer of 1984 that I visited Prion, New Jersey for the first time.

I took an Amtrak train from Washington D.d on my way to New York, I got off the train at Prion Jun and took a taxi ao the uy. 1984 was the presidential ele year between Reagan and Mondale. Everywhere I heard "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen, and Michael Ja was wearing the silver glove due to getting burned on the hand. (That sounds like just a few years ago. Maybe because Im getting older)

The reason I came to Prion was simple; Prion Uy was the school F. Scott Fitzgerald graduated from and I wao see its campus myself. I had no special purpose for my visiting except that. My train stopped at Prion and probably, I thought, I would have no business ing here again in my future, which made me to decide to drop in the uy. After rambling on campus, looking at his own hand written manuscript in a special room at the library, walking around the town, and staying one night at ……(内容加载失败!)




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