The Garden Of The Prophet (1)

The Garden Of The Prophet (1)

Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a noon unto his own day, returo the isle of his birth in the month of Tichreen, which is the month of remembrance.

And as his ship approached the harbour, he stood upon its prow, and his mariners were about him. And there was a homeing in his heart.

And he spoke, and the sea was in his voice, and he said: "Behold, the isle of our birth. Evehe earth heaved us, a song and a riddle; a song unto the sky, a riddle unto the earth; and what is there betweeh and sky that shall carry the song and solve the riddle save our own passion?

"The sea yields us once more to these shores. We are but another wave of her waves. She sends us forth to sound her speech, but how shall we do so unless we break the symmetry of our heart on rod sand?

"For this is the law of mariners and the sea: If you would freedom, you must urn to mist. The formless is for ever seeking form, even as the tless nebulae w……(内容加载失败!)




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